Human Resources 2024

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Menschen stehen im Kreis in einem Workshop
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Human resources are the most important resource of a company. With more than 300.000 employees, Deutsche Bahn Group (DB) has a wide range of job profiles, work environments and challenges. Thus, we are very happy to announce our 7th startup program with the HR department of our corporate DB.

This 100 days signature program gives startups the chance to customize and live-test their solutions for real-life challenges that DB faces. What is in it for you?​​

  • Exclusive access to DB experts, data and markets​
  • EUR 25,000 funding, no equity taken​
  • Exclusive access to a network of selected coaching and mentoring experts​
  • Coworking Space at our loving office site at Berlin Jannowitzbrücke
  • You will be supported by a dedicated DB mindbox startup manager

This is a great opportunity to lay the foundation for joint projects and a successful long-term collaboration with Deutsche Bahn Group, Europe’s largest mobility and infrastructure provider.​

You have questions like what should be included in the pitch deck or what is special about our 100 day DB mindbox program? Check out our FAQ.

01 – Learning

We live in a rapidly changing and evolving world. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly develop one‘s own skills and adapt to the changing requirements from the surrounding. We are looking for solutions that help our learning processes keep up with the pace of developments.

Mann schaut auf PC Bildschirm
Workshop vor einem Bildschirm
Person hat Handy in der Hand und spielt einen Zug-Simulator
Frau steht vor Leinwand in einem Workshop

02 – Employee assistance​

Personal support for each other is priceless. However, it is not always possible to have personal support at your side. Hence, we are looking for solutions to bridge the gap between the need for assistance and the limited availability of human resources.

Auf der Branchenmesse „Zukunft Nahverkehr“ zeigt die DB Innovationen der Nahverkehrsbranche.
Türtaster im Zug für WC
 DB testet neue Technologien für grüne Bahnstromversorgung
DB Mitarbeiterin (Servicekraft) am Bahnsteig im Hauptbahnhof Berlin

03 – Career development​

Employees of a big corporation like Deutsche Bahn have countless opportunities for their career development. Yet, it is difficult for the employee to find the right path to take and it is not easy for the company to match the right person to a job. Therefore, we aim at finding solutions to make internal career development easier.

DB Training, Learning and Consulting - Ausbildungswerkstatt Leipzig
Menschen stehen im Kreis in einem Workshop

04 – Document creation

Our HR departments are responsible to provide a broad variety of documents for our employees. Many of them are based on standardized structures. However, as Deutsche Bahn consists of several different companies, details always need to be adapted to specific use cases. The adaptation of documents is time-consuming and tiring for the HR departments.

Menschen stehen im Kreis in einem Workshop
Person arbeitet zu Hause am Laptop
Motiv von der Ausbildung bei DB Training im Ausbildungszentrum in München-Perlach


04. Aug. 2024 – Application deadline

Last day to apply for the program (eod).

28. Aug. 2024 – Announcement of candidates

Invitation of selected teams.

19. Sep. 2024 – Selection day

Pitch your solution live on stage to a expert jury and audience in Berlin.

14. Oct. 2024 – Start of program

Start of the 100-day Proof-of-Concept (PoC) to develop and test a prototype in cooperation with DB.

End of program

End of 100-day Proof-of-Concept (PoC) and presentation of results is expected to take place in February 2025 (tbc).